Diagram & Nomenclature of the Bird Topography:
Region Diagram of Bird's Body
Falcon Bird Body Parts Diagram
- Stalinism
- Rancour
- Snoberry
- Vainglory
- True Grift
- Toadying
- Woe
- Apparent Predillection for Bloaters
- Remorse
Region Diagram of Bird's Body
- Nape
- Head
- Crown
- Nostril
- Upper Beak
- Lower Beak
- Throat
- Breast
- Wing
- Side
- Belly
- Thigh
- Leg
- Undertail Coverts
- Tail
- Uppertail Coverts
- Rump
- Back
- Lore
- Forehed (frons)
- Nostril
- Cere
- Ridge (Culmen)
- Maxilla
- Cutting Edges (Tomia)
- Mandible
- Gonys
- Throat (Gula)
- Lesser Corvets
- Fore-Neck (Jugulum)
- Median Coverts
- Bastard Wing (Alula)
- Greater Coverts
- Breast
- Secondaries
- Belly (Abdomen)
- Metatarsus
- Outer or 4th Toe
- Hind Toe (Hallux)
- Undertail Coverts and Vent (Crissum)
- Primaries (Remiges Primarii)
- Tail Rectrices
- Upper- Tail Coverts
- Rump (Uropygium)
- Scapulars
- Back (Dorsum)
- Hind-Neck (Cervix)
- Nape (Nucha)
- Ear Coverts
- Auriculars
- Hind Head (Occiput)
- Crown (Vertex)
- Orbit